Khamis, 7 Mac 2013


Yes, I have made a promise to update this blog of mine since ages ago but apparently time has taken over me and having three adorable babies has taken a lot of my time fuhh! talk about my effort to become a super-mommy and super-wifey! :)

Not that I am complaining, but I am truly feeling blessed with all the countless happiness and blessings that Allah SWT has bestowed upon myself and this little family of ours, and for that Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. I have to convey my greatest gratitude to my husband for always being there for us and his support has always been the air that I breathe and without that I wouldn't think that I could survive. I love you husband!.

For the past "decade" (which yeah.. let's face has been like decades since I have last wrote in here). A lot of new changes had happened in my life thus demanding me to adapt to this new 'life' that is happening. Above all that, Alhamdulillah and syukran Ya Allah. These changes are;

a) I gave birth to another healthy baby boy! Alhamdulillah again! I gave birth to Muhd Adriyan Zuhair on the 14th Mei 2012. He is now 9 months and growing fast!.

b) I am back to the University life as a student after just a few months giving birth to Adriyan which I have left 7 years ago after graduating from my Diploma in Primary Education and being a Teacher.

c) The course offered by the university was not of the education background and from that I had to work extra hard to get my self used to all the lectures, tasks and assignments given.

d) Harris, my eldest has started his Agama (religious) school and Ryan has started his kindy year in the afternoon thus demanding more of our commitment as parents.

d) Being maidless! our maid and driver decided to ditch us by not coming back to Brunei! Imagine that!

By this, my husband and myself have become jugglers! yes! We juggle with our daily commitments. Multi-taskers we are.

However, at the end of the day after a few bumps on the road, we make sure we have a post-mortem meeting hihihi and discuss what is needed to improve what we are doing and Alhamdulillah each day has gone by positively. Being positive is the key I guess.

Fuhh! thats quite a long post, I will my best to write more soon! In shaa Allah :)

Till then, tooddles and see you soon! :)



Khamis, 21 Jun 2012

It's been so long...

Salam there, 

Oh! yes it has indeed been so long since I wrote in here. To be honest, I have missed you blog. A lot has been going on since. I would definitely share my stories in here..InsyaAllah. So, to make it up to you dearest blog, I have made a promise to you that I will try my best to spend more time in here.

Till then, 
Mai Shahren

Khamis, 31 Mac 2011

Salam Everyone,
Just to share a few styles here :)

So there you go..I'm not much of words just enjoy the pictures lovelies :)

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Jumaat, 21 Januari 2011

Salam everyone, Im not much of words today..loving the weather though so here are some photos of what we did yesterday, 21/1/2011 :)

Let's see,
we went to watch 'The Tourist',

Loved the movie! Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp had chemistry! It's a very classy movie!

My hubby and my eldest..

Yours truly..

Had dinner at Le Taj after that and brought Mr. RH (look at the little guy's tummy!)

Again about this movie, I LOVE angie's style! she was smokin' hot in this movie! don't you agree?

*photos are from google images.

Khamis, 20 Januari 2011

Salam Jumu'ah Everyone,

made some changes to the blog! you noticed? ;)
fuhh! i've noticed that i actually have alot (i mean ALOT!) of catching up to do here. been very busy during this beginning of the term has started, my Mr. HM (aka Mr. Harith Marzuqi, my 5 year old) has started his Kindy 3. The little Mr. RH (aka Mr. Rayyan Hakimi, my 1 year old) has been keeping mummy weherreally busy! ( he can really talk like a big guy now!). The habibi has been tranferred to another school. So yeah, we have been very busy.

Im here to share some beautiful photos with you, the ones that i find really beautiful! SubahanAllah..Allah's creation are beyond words..

MasyaAllah..These women and their fashion and also style can inspire people especially muslimahs everywhere..They are making a statement! their style tells us that you can look stylish, fashionable and fabulous even if you cover-up and wear a hijab! and you can look even classy at the same time!. As a bonus too, some of them are young mothers and wives!

These are the examples that a woman should follow, being fashionable yet following and embracing the beauty of Islam. Their style illuminate their personality! Beautiful both inside and out! That to me is the idea of being a complete muslimah and what makes an ideal woman.

yours truly,
Mai Shahren

*photos are from google images.

Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010


Salam everyone,

How is your december holiday? Ohh will blog about my december holiday soon yea..but before that,

Just want to share with you what I find really see, I love looking at something that is so beautiful and it will be an inspiration to me..

Just look at these beyond beautiful ladies! look at their style. So poise, elegant, sophisticated, modest and their eyes looks as though they have so much to say and express..and..and.. their make-up! gosh! really want to try that out! their smile is so pure too!

So, gentlemen, a women can be a form of inspiration to you and they can be a source to your strength. Women can even conquer a stubborn heart and tear down a huge barrier. How do they do that? That my friend is the power of a woman and only the purest hearted ones can see through that.


Salam and welcome to our family blog..we hope that you enjoy reading through..
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